9 displays as - in every browser
(too old to reply)
Bob Tennent
2021-04-02 12:44:07 UTC
On my CentOS-7 system, "9" displays as "-" in google-chrome,
chromium, firefox, vivaldi, and opera. Why?
Eli the Bearded
2021-04-02 17:53:54 UTC
Post by Bob Tennent
On my CentOS-7 system, "9" displays as "-" in google-chrome,
chromium, firefox, vivaldi, and opera. Why?
Have you ruled out a corrupt font file?

had a printer with corrupt built-in fonts once
Bob Tennent
2021-04-02 18:39:52 UTC
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Bob Tennent
On my CentOS-7 system, "9" displays as "-" in google-chrome,
chromium, firefox, vivaldi, and opera. Why?
Have you ruled out a corrupt font file?
Seems to happen only for certain web sites.
Eli the Bearded
2021-04-02 18:50:51 UTC
Post by Bob Tennent
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Bob Tennent
On my CentOS-7 system, "9" displays as "-" in google-chrome,
chromium, firefox, vivaldi, and opera. Why?
Have you ruled out a corrupt font file?
Seems to happen only for certain web sites.
And are those web sites specifying a particular font?

Have you tried this on another device? Maybe it's something about the
site(s). If it's only certain web sites, you could share and maybe
someone else running CentOS-7 (I'm not) could try to reproduce.

Have you tried cut-n-pasting the text to see if it shows up as a - or a
9 in another program? Consider trying programs that support HTML paste,
like Libre Office, and those that don't, like ed/vi/emacs in an xterm.

really, what have you done to try to really identify the problem?
Bob Tennent
2021-04-02 23:16:07 UTC
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Bob Tennent
Seems to happen only for certain web sites.
And are those web sites specifying a particular font?
A typical problem site is imslp.org. I can't find where the
font is specified. It's not the default font I've specified
in preferences.
Post by Eli the Bearded
Have you tried this on another device?
Yes. Another CentOS-7 system. No problems.
Post by Eli the Bearded
Have you tried cut-n-pasting the text to see if it shows
up as a - or a 9 in another program?
Selecting a title with 9s and pasting into an xterm shows
the 9s.
Eli the Bearded
2021-04-02 23:30:40 UTC
Post by Bob Tennent
A typical problem site is imslp.org. I can't find where the
font is specified. It's not the default font I've specified
in preferences.
Post by Bob Tennent
Yes. Another CentOS-7 system. No problems.
Post by Bob Tennent
Selecting a title with 9s and pasting into an xterm shows
the 9s.
All consistent with a corrupt font. Checksum the font files and compare
with the working system. It might be something else still, but that
seems most likely now.

try Web Developer -> Inspector to find the font by name
Bob Tennent
2021-04-03 01:09:10 UTC
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Bob Tennent
A typical problem site is imslp.org. I can't find where the
font is specified. It's not the default font I've specified
in preferences.
Post by Bob Tennent
Yes. Another CentOS-7 system. No problems.
Post by Bob Tennent
Selecting a title with 9s and pasting into an xterm shows
the 9s.
All consistent with a corrupt font. Checksum the font files and compare
with the working system. It might be something else still, but that
seems most likely now.
try Web Developer -> Inspector to find the font by name
Seems to be one of "Lucida Grande","Trebuchet

fc-match Lucida Grande fails but fc-match Trebuchet reports

DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"

Is that the suspect font? I opened my DejaVuSans.ttf in
fontforge and 9 is 9. Same with all the others.
Bob Tennent
2021-04-03 01:45:21 UTC
Post by Bob Tennent
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Bob Tennent
A typical problem site is imslp.org. I can't find where the
font is specified. It's not the default font I've specified
in preferences.
Post by Bob Tennent
Yes. Another CentOS-7 system. No problems.
Post by Bob Tennent
Selecting a title with 9s and pasting into an xterm shows
the 9s.
All consistent with a corrupt font. Checksum the font files and compare
with the working system. It might be something else still, but that
seems most likely now.
try Web Developer -> Inspector to find the font by name
Seems to be one of "Lucida Grande","Trebuchet
fc-match Lucida Grande fails but fc-match Trebuchet reports
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"
Is that the suspect font? I opened my DejaVuSans.ttf in
fontforge and 9 is 9. Same with all the others.
Using the following test file:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: "Lucida Grande";}

I've determined that my Lucida_Grande.ttf is the problem
(though in fontforge it is showing 9 as 9). After removing
Lucida_Grande.ttf from my system (and calling fc-cache) the
problem has been solved. Thanks!
Eli the Bearded
2021-04-03 05:26:53 UTC
Post by Bob Tennent
Post by Bob Tennent
Seems to be one of "Lucida Grande","Trebuchet
Firefox inspector (which is the only one I've used recently, and not
much) underlines the font being used.
Post by Bob Tennent
Post by Bob Tennent
fontforge and 9 is 9. Same with all the others.
Fontforge must be using the font files differently, but I can't say how.
Fonts are complicated.[*]
Post by Bob Tennent
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: "Lucida Grande";}
Post by Bob Tennent
I've determined that my Lucida_Grande.ttf is the problem
That's good. Corrupt fonts are not common, or at least not commonly
noticed. If ¥ prints as ₩ but you never buy anything in Yen or Won, you
might not realize the problem.

[*] https://hackaday.com/2021/03/22/an-entire-game-inside-of-a-font/
Jasen Betts
2021-04-03 03:35:44 UTC
Post by Bob Tennent
On my CentOS-7 system, "9" displays as "-" in google-chrome,
chromium, firefox, vivaldi, and opera. Why?
I had problems like that when I was overclocking my video card,
rebooting or restarting X11 would temporarily fix it.
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