Post by Bob TennentPost by Eli the BeardedPost by Bob TennentOn my CentOS-7 system, "9" displays as "-" in google-chrome,
chromium, firefox, vivaldi, and opera. Why?
Have you ruled out a corrupt font file?
Seems to happen only for certain web sites.
And are those web sites specifying a particular font?
Have you tried this on another device? Maybe it's something about the
site(s). If it's only certain web sites, you could share and maybe
someone else running CentOS-7 (I'm not) could try to reproduce.
Have you tried cut-n-pasting the text to see if it shows up as a - or a
9 in another program? Consider trying programs that support HTML paste,
like Libre Office, and those that don't, like ed/vi/emacs in an xterm.
really, what have you done to try to really identify the problem?