implementing kernel32.dll on linux
(too old to reply)
2004-01-19 15:53:10 UTC
hi !
i need to implement kernerl32.dll functions on linux. send
help and all corresponding links.
thanks .

Nils O. Selåsdal
2004-01-20 07:58:19 UTC
Post by Ramrao
hi !
i need to implement kernerl32.dll functions on linux. send
No, you don't ;)
Post by Ramrao
help and all corresponding links.
thanks .
Try rather to tell us what you want to achive, not everyone
knows what kernel32.dll is or provides.
Vennlig hilsen/Best Regards
Nils Olav Selåsdal <NOS at Utel.no>
System Engineer
UtelSystems a/s
2004-01-20 14:27:46 UTC
My group "PORTEX" is working on converting PE File format to ELF file
format. we need to implement kernel32.dll file functions like
heapcreat , heapdestroy , malloc , valloc etc. on linux . does linux
have equivalent fuctions ?


Lew Pitcher
2004-01-20 14:53:13 UTC
Post by Ramrao
My group "PORTEX" is working on converting PE File format to ELF file
format. we need to implement kernel32.dll file functions like
heapcreat , heapdestroy , malloc , valloc etc. on linux . does linux
have equivalent fuctions ?
It depends on the function, of course.

- malloc() is a standard C function, supported by glibc under Linux
- valloc() is a BSD function, supported by glibc under Linux
- heapcreat, heapdestroy, etc, aren't /directly/ supported in Linux, but
(depending on what they do on MSWindows) /may/ have Linux equivalents with
different names. My guess is that they refer to multithreaded memory
management, which is usually covered by the posix_threads library.

You really need to pick up some manuals on porting from Windows to Unix, or
use a porting library (like winelib or vxWindows).
Lew Pitcher, IT Consultant, Application Architecture
Enterprise Technology Solutions, TD Bank Financial Group

(Opinions expressed here are my own, not my employer's)
Nils O. Selåsdal
2004-01-20 15:22:48 UTC
Post by Ramrao
My group "PORTEX" is working on converting PE File format to ELF file
format. we need to implement kernel32.dll file functions like
heapcreat , heapdestroy , malloc , valloc etc. on linux . does linux
have equivalent fuctions ?
See the wine project, www.winehq.org , though you _are_ trying to
run binaries on another OS than it was created for. That will
seldom be 100% stable and ok.
Linux have malloc and friends, tough not direct equivialents to
I suggest you take a deeper look at linux and see what it provides.
e.g. http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/
and the Single Unix Specification, which linux implement
lots of. http://www.unix-systems.org/version3/online.html
Vennlig hilsen/Best Regards
Nils Olav Selåsdal <NOS at Utel.no>
System Engineer
UtelSystems a/s
Peter Buelow
2004-01-20 15:21:15 UTC
Post by Ramrao
My group "PORTEX" is working on converting PE File format to ELF file
format. we need to implement kernel32.dll file functions like
heapcreat , heapdestroy , malloc , valloc etc. on linux . does linux
have equivalent fuctions ?
Read the Wine source. They have probably done what you want to do.

Linux does have equivalent functions, but they are not the same for obvious
reasons. Once again, Wine has done this already. If you're porting a
filesystem, having the Win32 kernel functions won't help. You'll need to
port to equivalent functions under Linux and understand how Linux handles
filesytems (which isn't trivial, you'll need to spend some time with this).
There are enough filesystems that you can view the source for that this
isn't impossible to do without porting Win32 specific kernel functions.
Basically, you can't just move the Win32 kernel into Linux and expect the
filesystem you have written to work in any meaningful way.
Pete Buelow
replace nospam with pete to reply to me
Roger Leigh
2004-01-19 20:48:12 UTC
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